The TMQS 100 % leather strips

High quality leather strips with long life-time. Budget saving




TMQS offers high quality, budget saving spare parts. Within these are the leather strips for different VE units, made of high-quality leather material providing long working life in the machine, making them a very valuable component to use. Give the TMQS leather strips a try and convince yourself of the quality, lifetime and price advantage.

Part Description (English) TMQS Part Number Repl. for OEM Part Number Repl. for OEM Drawing Number
Leather strip Q10349100N 3679292-000-00 101DR113
Leather strip Q16722000N 3788733-000-00 1132DR2
Leather strip Q10078200N 3812804-000-00 1144DR18
Leather strip Q10078300N 3817164-000-00 1144DR19
Leather strip Q17939500N 1011321-000-00 44DRA83
Leather strip Q17939600N 1006989-000-00 44DRA84